In Oklahoma, even prior to the pandemic, employment projections revealed an anticipated 9.1% increase in RN jobs in the state between 2018-2028, according to the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission. Oklahoma?s current health worker shortage has significant implications for safe patient care as research has shown that inadequate staffing levels are associated with higher patient mortality, increased medication errors, and overcrowded emergency departments. Funding is sought to improve NEO nursing education to address our rural region?s healthcare workforce shortage through: ? Updated technology and space to equip simulation labs for learning, which will serve to attract and retain better prepared nursing students ? Increased faculty satisfaction/retention leading to continuity and stability for students ? Mitigation of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on student enrollment, retention and preparation for the workforce Increasing our capacity to train better prepared Nursing program graduates aligns directly with the State?s efforts to improve health outcomes and equity for its citizens. Given that the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to impact our local healthcare system for years to come and the negative impact of healthcare workforce shortages, it is imperative that NEO implement successful strategies to increase the number of qualified nurses to meet healthcare needs.


The American Association of Colleges of Nursing cites insufficient nursing school enrollment and lack of qualified nursing faculty as significant factors contributing to the nursing shortage. Our program?s student learning outcomes include collaboration and leadership, and our Nursing Advisory Committee, which is comprised of local healthcare employers, cited the capacity for working effectively in teams to be the most critical skill in the healthcare workers they hire (Advisory Committee Survey, 2021). Students are able to practice and solidify those important soft skills via their experiences in low-risk, safe clinical labs that mirror high-stakes, real-world scenarios. Currently, the Oklahoma Board of Nursing, under Rule OAC 405:10-5-4.I (i), allows for students to obtain up to 30% of the clinical hours they are required to complete in a simulated environment, with the strong possibility the rule will change in the near future to allow up to 50% of skills lab time to count. We must be equipped to leverage the use of high technology simulation to produce better-prepared registered nurses into the future. Finally, allied healthcare professionals have needed to meet the increased emergency room staffing needs created by Covid-19 cases, and thus require additional experience in a simulated hospital room setting.


Research demonstrates health disparities in COVID-19 outcomes in the U.S., with members of racial and ethnic minority groups experiencing higher risks of COVID-19 disease severity. Individuals identifying as White in Oklahoma are more likely to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 whereas Hispanics and Native Americans are overrepresented in the number of positive COVID-19 cases in the state. The disparities in qualified health workers are significantly greater in rural areas of the state compared to urban, which underscores the benefit of a locally trained workforce that understands the barriers and cultural beliefs that impact rural citizens? health related behaviors and decisions. Here, in the far northeastern area of the state, upwards of 20% of all residents live below poverty, bachelor?s degree attainment is only 12% (Native American) to 15% (all) compared to approximately 30% for the U.S., and Native American household income averages more than $20,000 less than the national average (Census). NEO serves as the educational gateway for our region. Even prior to the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission, the non-metropolitan counties in the northeastern Oklahoma were projected to experience an 8.5% increase in the demand for registered nurses by 2028.


In addition to the required program data, we will track the following measurable outcomes: ? NEO?s IT team will inventory installed equipment and ensure it works properly; students will report satisfaction with the updated lab. ? On exit surveys, graduates will agree they were equipped with the tools necessary to be successful in the program. ? On a satisfaction instrument, faculty will agree they are fairly compensated. ? We anticipate the number of students in admission cohorts will increase by 10-15% before the end of the performance period.






Able to continue operation without additional funding from the State of Oklahoma


Addressing Negative Economic Impacts


Other Economic Support




Title III, Native American Serving Non-Tribal 5 year grant award; Student Support Services TRIO grant (eligible to receive continuation awards) and Upward Bound TRIO grant (eligible to receive continuation awards)




State agency

Data source: Oklahoma Office of Management and Enterprise Services / More information ยป