AtLink Services, LLC has partnered with a large power utility to expand true high speed internet into underserved portions of Oklahoma. AtLink has been in operations for two decades and currently maintains a customer base of 15,000. AtLink intends to meet the 100Mbps/100Mbps data throughput requirements by using equipment. AtLink has always been Oklahoma owned and we focus on the rural Oklahoman. This project uses 150 towers interconnected with fiber and using Tarana in the last mile exceedidng 500Mbps throughput. AtLink has demonstrated a high quality of service since 2005. This project is self sustaining with a positive EBITA by year 2025. The capital request for this project is $14,697,838. AtLink will commit to leaving no customer behind. AtLink will be contributing over $20,000,000 in existing network infrastructure as well as providing the best in class customer service as demonstrated over the past 15 years. This project will provide broadband to 40,000 underserved and unserved Oklahomans.




Oklahoma still remains behind what could be an insurmountable challenge-The Digital Divide. The award of a ARPA Grant would make a significant difference to the people that call this state, rural area their home. Without the assistance of the ARPA, Oklahoma will remain behind the Digital Divide. The National Broadband Plan looks to the future of communication in America, but some rural communities in Oklahoma are still anchored in the past. Without broadband, residents rely on the closest US Postal Service location as a primary means of communication. Without even adequate cell phone service and nonexistent cellular data service, the area lacks the basic necessi­ties to ensure quality of life in the ever-changing connected world. The challenges faced by resi­dents of these areas were abundantly apparent to @Link Service's staff while documenting the lack of broadband within the areas. The National Broadband Plan eloquently describes broadband as the "great infrastructure challenge of the early 21st century. Like electricity a century ago, broadband is a foundation of economic growth, job creation, global competitiveness and a better way of life. It is changing how we educate children, deliver health care, manage energy, ensure public safety, engage government, and access, organize and dissemi­nate knowledge." The Plan provides multiple recommendations to promote universal broadband deployment and adoption. The National Broadband Plan NOI recognized "the incredible value of ubiquitous broadband." Ac­cording to the Congressional Research Service report entitled "Broadband Internet Access and the Digital Divide: Federal Assistance Programs," "policymakers believe that disparities in broadband access across American society could have adverse consequences on those left behind." According to the Pew Research Center, 10% of surveyed American choose a smart phone to pro­vide home broadband connection. Susan Crawford, Former Special Assistant to the President for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy said recently that "high speed networks can bridge economic, racial and cultural divides." She went on to say that "we're talking about the human need to connect. Without adequate high speed connections, we will miss opportunities."


AtLink currently is a USAC CAF II recipient as well as an Oklahoma ETC. We adhere to the FCC ACAM CAF Tier and Latency testing requirements ( and we report our served households to the FCC HUBB ( AtLink uses Layer 3 routers located at the customer locations. A speed test is a single measurement of download or upload speed of 10 to 15 seconds duration between a specific consumer location and specific remote server location that meets the FCC designated IXP requirements. Speed requirements vary by fund. Carriers must conduct at least one download test and one upload test during each testing hour at each testing location. (See FCC 19-104 at paras. 24-26) A carrier may report that no test was successfully completed due to ?crosstalk? caused by consumer activity if the consumer traffic meets thresholds of 64 Kbps for download tests or 32 Kbps for upload tests, and if the carrier begins attempting speed tests within the first 15 minutes of a testing hour and repeatedly retries and defers tests at one-minute intervals. (See FCC 19-104 at para. 26) A latency test is a single measurement of latency, often performed using a single User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packet or a group of three Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) or UDP packets sent at essentially the same time. Carriers must offer broadband service with latency suitable for real-time applications, including voice over IP (VoIP) calling. Carriers must conduct one discrete latency measurement or observation per minute (60 per hour) for each testing hour at each subscriber test location. (See FCC 19-104 at paras. 27-38)






Able to continue operation without additional funding from the State of Oklahoma


Investments in Water, Sewer, and Broadband


Broadband: ?Last Mile? projects




FCC Connect America Funds




Other business enterprise (>$5M revenue, annually)

Data source: Oklahoma Office of Management and Enterprise Services / More information »