The Covid-19 pandemic dramatically accelerated three cyber trends: digital transformation of commerce, heightened requirements for information security, and higher expectations of technical capabilities for businesses and individuals. The DoD and other federal contractors are requiring cyber security compliance for small businesses. The healthcare, financial services, and manufacturing industries have continually demonstrated needs for increased security. These trends adversely impacted small businesses and vulnerable populations who are not resourced or skilled to respond quickly. The speed and stress of US digital transformation on business systems and digital systems to accommodate remote work led to the expansion of the cyber industry and the demand for cyber-skilled professionals. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) the job growth for Information security analysts will be 33%, which is much higher than the national average. The purpose of this proposal is to fund the development of cost-effective technologies to address cyber security challenges, support the skills development of next generation and experienced employees, support cyber focused job creation in Oklahoma, and help Oklahoma be recognized as a pre-eminent cyber hub in the nation.


University of Tulsa (TU) has decades of experience developing cost effective technologies, managing projects, engaging with the business community, and preparing students and professionals for successful careers. This proposed program is building on the strength of TU?s Cyber research and education program which is ranked 23rd in the nation (tied with Harvard) by US News and World Report. The program also will receive matching funds from GKFF and is in close partnership with Tulsa Innovation Labs who have demonstrated success in creating jobs through technology.


All counties are vulnerable where business is impacted by the expansion of on-line commerce, causing them to have higher requirements for information security. These same businesses could become increasingly vulnerable to emerging security threats and face penalties or loss of contracts without proper security certification, impacting employees and economic benefits to their community. In addition, all counties are vulnerable where populations can be excluded from technology skilled employment expansion or information security breaches from weak cyber security programs. The CII will have multiple cyber facilities, services, and learning models that will be made accessible to small businesses and vulnerable populations through grants and scholarships. It will perform outreach to K-12 students across the state through the formation of competitive online teams and mobile demonstrations for hand-on learning about security hygiene and cyber careers. In addition, professionals will have access to upskilling opportunities as the CII seeks to be a hub for cyber talent generation in Oklahoma. As CII builds out classified workspaces the institute will also approach Tribal Business entities with Federal Cyber contracts to determine whether tribal citizens could potentially execute classified work on site in Tulsa, as opposed to hiring non-native talent in Washington, DC or elsewhere.


TU has managed funded research and industry projects. The proposed Cyber Innovation Institute will oversee all phases of the cyber program with clear project management and reporting structures. CII is focused on protecting our nation?s critical infrastructure from cyber threats by researching, testing, and commercially deploying cutting-edge cyber technology. The institute will work closely with TU School of Cyber Studies, Tulsa Innovation Labs, Team8, to achieve its objectives. It has generous support from GKFF. Project metrics include the growth in cyber degree enrollment, high school student outreach, number of businesses supported in addressing cyber risks, and new business ideas advanced.






Able to continue operation without additional funding from the State of Oklahoma


Addressing Negative Economic Impacts


Aid to Other Impacted Industries




Grant/contract funds from various federal agencies including (but not limited to) National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, Department of Defense, Department of Education, Department of Justice. Funds support a variety of projects including (but not limited to) cyber security, energy, and health sciences.




Large 501-C3 Non-profit (>$1M revenue, annually)

Data source: Oklahoma Office of Management and Enterprise Services / More information ยป